
This is from Urban drive through. I don't like graffiti. I tried liking it thinking its some sort of art but I find it very intrusive. Art in public place without permission is visual pollution. I want to rest my eyes in peace and if I look over I want to have a choice to look at symmetry of concrete. Simple texture of concrete is sometimes pleasing. I would not cram a photograph because its a bare white wall. Not in public at least.


So its September. Time is flying. I wish I could keep track of it. But I do want to say that life has been what I could have not have predicted better. I have been busy nonstop for the last few weeks.
Today I sat down and went through a few June images. Three months ago seem like yesterday and yet summer is over. But no nostalgia here. This has been among most productive summers I have ever had. Diving head first into commercial photography is something I only imagined and never thought I will. Its a start.
Tonight images are from a Chalkfest that occurred in Jersey City, New Jersey back in June. Its where intercity kids have a chance to bring awareness to their chances at better life. I like the cause so I photographed it.