
September 25th is the 18 year anniversary of my arrival in USA. Some thinking about the subject tonight. I am including the photograph I mentioned in my post from few weeks ago. I am late with it.

This was taken last monday on the day of the anniversary of the Katyn Forrest massacre in 1940. So in this post a combination of reflections on history in a private and world content way.
Katyn of course of an event very much unknown to the west of the brutal and systematic killing of intelligence by the Soviets in the territories they were setting on to later control.


I finished Kapuscinski's book Friday. I have another one by him titled "Shadow of the Sun" which I will start after re-reading some of Susan Sontag's literary criticisms and few other scattered pieces on Photography. I find that when I don't shoot as much as I would like the readings helps motivate me in the few moments I have.
I received my contact sheets back from Mary Ellen Mark also on Friday along with a positive and encouraging letter. I really enjoy critiques of other photographers who's work I really admire. And to receive words of encouragement such as that i have an excellent eye was a great compliment. What is great about her letter is that the critique is very much constructive. Her arguments for the reasons follow a very organized tone in which there is not much room to say something just to satisfy and sound nice.
I have 3 rolls of film waiting to be developed. One is an experimental Tri-X pushed to ISO 6400 and the other two are both at ISO 400. One roll I shot on my commute on monday while the second I don't exactly remember. It can't be more then 2 weeks old because I would not have it rolling around my bag for longer then that.

Another post with a photograph today when the 2 rolls at ISO 400 dry. The roll pushed to the max is drying... the ISO 6400 experiment is dead. Did not work for street shooting. Back to slow shutter speeds and narrow depth of field at ISO 1600. In other words, stricter discipline.


Still working on processing (digitally) the 35mm scans I did two weeks ago. I hadn't really had time to work on them. So tonight just a photograph from the ongoing lot. A tacky memorabilia salesmen.


Road trip to Canada was simply great. But no photographs from it. With only 3 days there there was too little time. I drove some 700+ Kilometers in the Canadian countryside though. Very Peaceful and picturesque. But because the distances between the towns were packed against the busy schedule I didn't even get a chance to take out the camera from the bag.

After scanning the 35mm negatives in the last weeks and making contact prints this past sunday I am left in limbo whether I should shoot color for now. Maybe its the 35mm negatives that I am not used to looking at. But I also will be trying some Tri-x at ISO 6400 in the next few weeks where the grain is intriguing me more then colors.

Printing color is what turned me a way a little. There is so much interpretation of color balance that is that factor alone that can alter the mood. Black and white is more to the point I think. The colors don't distract and the tones only emphasize. So that is the dilemma for now.

Tonight a color photograph from the 35mm negatives. A County Fair from back stage view.