
Going to San Francisco friday evening. First trip to West Coast and I am very excited. No models scheduled at the moment and probably won't have any this time. But I am open. Shoot me a comment if interested.
Agust hasn't been the best month for being around the web. It's been so hot out here in NJ that I didn't feel like running outside. I have been trying to gather up some models but that also seems to be dead right now with so many people on vacation.
So for california it looks like it will be the landscape work... or more of general work I can hang around anywhere or give to my parents. I'll be shooting on some Agfa 25 speed which is some amazing stuff no longer being made. Sad. No grain... or alemost. I wonder how it will look in rodinal.

Ok.. I'm off searching for some models for september...
(no photograph tonight... frustrated and moody)


There is too much heavy thoughts posted here. I am still getting used to blogging. Its not that I want to sound smart or anyhting, its just that I felt the need to post something 'good' .. so I thought. The definiton got more real.
If I was to be placed anywhere on a globe with my travel photo gear I would be a happy man. Some 6 months ago I went though getting some gear. I thought about digital or analogue. I went with film. Got a hassy, and older Arca Swiss and a Wista (but for the lenses - 2 nikon lenses in MINT condition worth more then the camera). And I actauly decided to stick to what I learend in the past. I now have been shooting for 12 years. Wow.. ya.. Odd how time goes. I could say 14 if I really look back hard... but 12 is more on accurte as far as the pursuit.
My biggest issue in the beggining was getting models in part becuase I was really young and in part becuase I didn't know how to express what I wanted to shoot were the two challanges. I still don't know exacly what it is I want to shoot but I know I like landscapes and women in my photographs. Hey, there is a thought?...