
There is too much heavy thoughts posted here. I am still getting used to blogging. Its not that I want to sound smart or anyhting, its just that I felt the need to post something 'good' .. so I thought. The definiton got more real.
If I was to be placed anywhere on a globe with my travel photo gear I would be a happy man. Some 6 months ago I went though getting some gear. I thought about digital or analogue. I went with film. Got a hassy, and older Arca Swiss and a Wista (but for the lenses - 2 nikon lenses in MINT condition worth more then the camera). And I actauly decided to stick to what I learend in the past. I now have been shooting for 12 years. Wow.. ya.. Odd how time goes. I could say 14 if I really look back hard... but 12 is more on accurte as far as the pursuit.
My biggest issue in the beggining was getting models in part becuase I was really young and in part becuase I didn't know how to express what I wanted to shoot were the two challanges. I still don't know exacly what it is I want to shoot but I know I like landscapes and women in my photographs. Hey, there is a thought?...

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