
Happy New Year Everyone! I've been busy all day working on images from last weekend. Over 2000 images to go through and pick the best from. The weekend coming up will be busy as well. There is a lot in the queue at the moment which is good. Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed though.

Tonight is a portrait of a celebrity Hair Stylist from Boston. This shoot was from the first weekend of December. Tonight is the first chance I got to at least play with one image. The shoot itself was a bit of crazy. I had literally 10 minutes to set up 2 lights. One was a Octa 'deep throat' box from Elinchrome and the side light was from a Profoto head (giving the higlight). I'm just happy I was able to get it right so quickly. It was just one of those shoots where your subject is eager to leave before you even set up your lights.

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