
Suburbs are a compromise of big cities. I live some 45 minutes by train from Midtown Manhattan. There’s no convenience here of walking out of the house and within a block finding a grocery store. There is no pub that could be reached on foot. So life without a car is limited. I’d love to get a Vespa scooter. It’ll probably look strange riding around town among the Harley and sport bike crowds but so what! Going to a coffee shop or even picking up few grocers is all reachable little faster then walking in the suburbs. The winters here limit this somewhat. Motorcycles are of course the next level up. I will get back to them in the future.

So the photographs tonight are from NYC walks within last week. The 36 exposure rolls are hard to get used to after Mamyia 7’s 10 frames per 120 roll. For any future 35mm work I’ll be switching to 24 exposure rolls.

To be honest I believe the Mamyia 7 is a wonderful street camera but not concealable. For fast paced action a camera that is slower and all manual might seem as the last tool but I honestly think the very fact of knowing your equipment and having the limits of getting ready to shoot prepares you better how best to blend these elements in composition. I find to have more productive 10 roll exposures then analyzing 35mm film for 2 or 3 good ones. Well, I don’t know how good these choices are but I am including them after looking though at the negatives without a contact sheet. Larger format allows you to see the negative details. I’ll try to stick with the 35mm for a little longer. Some 4x5 soon to change the pace but the 35mm will be around.

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