
Art in is subjective. I do not think there is a school of interpretation to be followed. I do believe it comes from the heart and drive of feeling something toward the visual. Jackson Pollack’s work is something I completely understand. Most other contemporary work I do not and get angry that the highly priced work grabs enough of attention to force the still more naïve people toward believing is the work of mere poor craft.
Last night I was at a dinner with older folks who reminisced about the time they grew up in (60s and 70s) with constant underling how they were a part of an era where music meant something, how that time was original and unmatched by whatever followed. It might be so for art as well. The apex for painters was replaced by photographers but only because it made the visual easier to understand. However the art of painting is the process I long for in my own work which is based in film.

Mary (MM model) in Phildalephia.

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