
Christmas Day! Merry Christmas Everyone! I went on too much about work in my last post. I think I am beating around the bush in some prevevious posts with trying to sound more neutral then what it really might be. But the blog is changing and I see the transformation happing where the writing gets little more sense with time. Sense as in the message or thoguht I am expressing. As with anything practice makes perfect (but the definition of perfect is as Art itself, in the eye of the beholder).

I have been taking snap shots with my Nikon D70 I had not for over 2 years I think. I lost the trust to that camera as attending an event it completly died on me in the middle of the action. An inexplainable failure of camera not reacting to anyhting. Aperenly it was a common problem for Nikon so much so that a special website existed. I sent in the camera and intially got an esitmate for the repairs but arguing with the rep he was able to put the appropriate comments and I had it fixed for free. Ever since the camera has little use. But last night I took few photographs more in the point and shoot style. The more pictures I took the more I realized how much I like the process of shooting film. Film looks better. Yes it might be a pain in the ass with the film speed and other factors but the look of film, even scanned, carries something more to me. I shoot less of course with film. I focus on the composition. I set up and even abort a paricular shot. Not with digital. You take it all. Then you go though the effort of picking out the right one. Its like talking alot and saying many things. But if one focuses the words can be organzied into a better speach. Words mean something when they're better organized. Ideas too. Portraits and photographs in general follow the trend.

This photograph is with Mamyia 7 on Tri-x in Rodinal 1:50. The locations is Sonoma Country in Northern California.

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