
Late day today. Woke up at 5:30am and got home at 22:20. Aperture lecture today with Chuck Close. I'm glad I went. Right now at 23:21 the temperature outside is 18C. Unreal since tomorrow is December 1st. But this will all be over tomorrow when the rain comes and the temperature dropping to about 5C. All within a day or two. Ah The Northeast!

Had a strange evening today. Perhaps I am just exhausted. Somewhere in the commute back home in the spirit of Nietzsche I started to think that all that is said in songs, movies, stories and whatever else as fairy tales of the best things to come don't come. Nietzsche's thinking cuts a lot of that hoping out. Its just a crude cold reality. I picked up a new roll today so that will be shown soon. The photograph tonight sort of reflects on the day to day. The man is holding a firearm magazine. Oddly enough it was the only thing he was carrying. I have nothing against guns but it worries me when whole bunch of uneducated men carried away in mob mentality think they are some patriots that need to re-write all that is wrong with this country.

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