
Sunday night... The weekend ran away with too much wasted time. But I am still thinking of the questions I was asked yesterday of the purpose of some of the images. I am sort of angry with myself tonight. Frustrated over many things but primarily in terms on photography is the fact I do not have a large enough body of work I think that I can show as a project. I have random photographs but nothing solid as a major body of work. If I was to show in one meeting all my images I find best defining my work I would loose myself in what the hell its all about. BUT! That is slowly changing. I am seeing a light. The truth is that I absolutely love photographing people, portraits, in various surroundings. My access is limited to the subject availability. I'll work on it. My other ideas are only now coming together for a bigger project. Could it be like this? I mean that it took me 12 years to arrive in a state where I am beginning to be ready to do projects? And I am referring to those of some significant merit. Perhaps I am earning my place still and can one day have few projects I can call as mine very own that took dedication, organization and execution that brings in an audience to take interest.

This photograph is from among the largest shipping facilities on the east coast. It was Sunday so the port was completely idle. Majority of shipping from Europe comes here including everything from cars to beer. The city is Elizabeth. There is a 3% tax rate at IKEA down the road because the populous area about 15 minutes away is in need of investment to rebuild its negative image. It’s taking years. Newark is next to it.

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